The best way to use this video is to listen and meditate on the words of God, ponder how they apply to the topic at hand. Some verses will be apparent. Others will require more meditation, but these often will inspire you the more revelation of God for you in your moment of seeking.


Suppose you were to ask me to define apathy. In that case, I think I would, in the natural sense, sum it up very briefly and say it is the absence of emotion or the lack of interest in something. As you can see, such a simple definition, as simple as it is, has deeper layers.

Thus, how God would express it to us is deep and complex. But no need to worry, for we have the owner's manual of the human condition and bold teachers and leaders to teach us. More importantly than all else, we have this word of God to set the table for our thinking.

From the days of Genesis to this day, the Bible has established a hard line on apathy and how it affects both believers and unbelievers. King Solomon, with all his wisdom, was still a victim of his youthful pride and arrogance. He set out in later years to convey to us the deeper insight God would allow him to live through. The summation of his thoughts was that those who dwell in a nature of apathy in truth arrogant fools.

With deep thought and precision, the old king would lay down the root of youthful apathy. A cause that, even to this modern-day, is the root of why our young people do not care. Whatever the social scientist may say today, it is clear that by the writings of Solomon, God is telling us that the youth do not care because they don't fear the Most High God.

So as to be absolute on the subject, the old king then sets the judgment of such a mindset as shown in Proverb 1:31-33 King James Version (KJV) "31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. 32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. 33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil." This verse should be a shocking revelation; sadly, it is not.

The truth is made know by the testimony of two or more; thus, Isaiah bears witness to us by the example of Israel about the consequences of seeing but being apathetic to danger. We also today fall prey to this sickness. In that from afar, God can show us an immerging threat, and we look at it with apathy until that day when the danger is upon us.

To have you not think that instruction is solely a conviction of the old testament. I present to you that the book of Hebrews was also firm on the subtle dangers of apathy upon the early church and its pagan neighbors. From the second chapter, the book warns the unbelieving man of the past. It extends out to the unrepentant of today to no be apathetic towards his salvation. To the believer, we are warned of being apathetic towards the sinners' march to the open flames of eternal hell.

From the words of the book of First Timothy, the Apostle Paul even now calls out to the modern Saint not to be an apathetic Christian. A believer lacking any remorse for those who are blinded by the wicked devices of Satan's, devices which the Christian should be able to see, and in seeing be able to guide the blind from out of the darkness. The more profound ramification to us Christians today is that apathy concerning our spiritual growth makes us a weak solider, an unfruitful servant.

Apathy is but one fiery arrow used to keep Christians from attaining and realizing our spiritual gifts, natural talents, and the prosperous life God would have us to live. So again, these scriptures accompanied with music are hoped to relax you and provide you with a meditative process to hear the voice of God on the concern of apathy.

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