Genesis Strategic Ventures is an information, training, and consulting service consisting of eight core capital operations.
The primary vision within each core capital operation is to provide services as an information broker, knowledge curator, personal researcher, consultant and trainer to individuals, small businesses, organizations, Christian clergy, Christian auxiliary, congregations of faith, and faith organizations.
The Capital Operations are as follows:
Praetorian Incident Consulting
Praetorian is more than traditional security and lists of numbers. It is focused on the human factor and practical application that the numbers only talk about or even forget.
With an operational vision towards Incident Survival, Situational Awareness, loss prevention, Crisis Leadership, residential protocols, and so much more.
Omni Travel Quest
As a provider of Informational resources and observations on the world of travel, Omni Travel Quest seeks to be a curator of travel knowledge from vast sources of professionals and fun-seekers.
With a fascination with zoos, science museums, natural history museums, aquariums, history museums, we will be busy, but it is just the tip of the ice burg as we touch on everywhere and everything travel.
Third Rail Commentary
Conservative commentary views what is going on in our society with detailed analysis of issues in the news and beyond—viewed from all angles.
Genesis Strategic Christian Intelligence
Information designed to expose the darkness standing before the Christian community and the world, topics include Occult Awareness, Cult Awareness, Eschatology, Spiritual Warfare, World Religions, New World Order, and much more.
Monolith Christian Ethos
Monolith is all about Christian motivation, inspiration, and strengthening the Christian Biblical worldview.
We are not above having some fun in the faith. While having fun, we are mindful that taking the mantle to encourage and edify the body of Christ is our mission.
Zenith Bible Analysis
Zenith's mission is to provide understanding. The process of doing this is by presenting detailed Biblical and Christian analysis covering many subjects: Biographies, culture and customs, apologetics, doctrine, Bible text, and much more.
The Venture Store
The marketplace for products and other services that Genesis believes would benefit our readers, customers, and clients. Plus, your shopping resource for Genesis Strategic merchandise.
Our store is curated to provide products specific to each of our capital operations with products and services ranging from security items, general apparel, travel products deals to occupational-specific gear and so much more.
YouTube Channels
A visual medium to allow our core venture activities to provide our clients and visitors with information to empower and inform.
Video is becoming one of the fastest learning vehicles, and Genesis wants to ensure that we are providing you with access to knowledge the way you want it.
A social medium platform that allows Genesis to tap into and establish a family & friend like environment with our clients and visitors.
Facebook is a medium that vast number of people are comfortable in.
Our Facebook pages allow us to communicate knowledge to a fast-paced community of socially minded people.
Genesis Strategic Books
The Self-Publishing division of Genesis Strategic Ventures:
Activity Books
*Word Search puzzles, cross word puzzles, activity books, and more.
Productivity Books
*Themed Notebooks, Journals, logbooks, records books
Information & Non-Fiction
* Security, Bible Knowledge, Travel and more.
Dog Kind
6th Day Animals